
Feed and grow fish great white shark achievement download
Feed and grow fish great white shark achievement download

We also work on shark surveys and tagging. The Apex Predators Program was developed to conduct life history research on commercially and recreationally important shark species. The majority of the sharks we study are apex predators, at the top of the food chain. NOAA scientists in the Northeast conduct shark life history and long-term monitoring activities essential for stock assessment and management. Many basic questions about their abundance, life history, habitats, and movements remain unanswered. However, there is still much we don't know about them. NOAA Fisheries studies the biology of white sharks as well as monitors their populations and manages fisheries that may incidentally catch them. Seasonal aggregations in key feeding areas along the coast allows researchers to study them. The white shark is also one of the most well-studied shark species in the world, including its populations off the east and west coasts of the United States. Due to these natural vulnerabilities, the white shark is one of the most widely protected sharks globally. But despite its fearsome reputation, its large size and low productivity (reproductive rates, growth rates, age at maturity, longevity, etc.) make the white shark vulnerable to declines from human impacts.

feed and grow fish great white shark achievement download

It is also an iconic species due to its occurrence in near-shore habitats and frequent appearance in films and documentaries. As an apex predator, the white shark is at the top of the food chain and plays an important ecological role in the oceans. The white shark is a large, wide-ranging species that occurs in temperate and subtropical seas worldwide.

Feed and grow fish great white shark achievement download